I'd like to believe I've got great taste in music, but then again everyone does. Nana Rose's Tied up on you, anything by Benfolds Five and Lamb's Gorecki are tied for my favorite songs of the moment. I'd buy the CD just for the song, but unfortunately, this being Manila, it takes forever and a day for CD's to get here from CD heaven or wherever CD's come from. However, there's no denying that there are GREAT local bands out here in the Philippines. The Eraserheads, Wolfgang and Indio Eye are way up there on my list -- you could learn more about Philippine Music if you like.
I make no pretensions to what I am, or what I read. I am not the most well read person in the world, but I thank God I can read. It boggles my mind to think that people cannot read, because it's so much a part of my life, reading, that is. As to my choice of reading material, however -- now that's a different story. You see, I go through books in stages.
I had my romance stage, where I collected so many romances it will make anyone's head spin! I was mad for Johanna Lindsey's novels (looking back, her writing style was rather, well, trite), Judith McNaught's, and a host of other romance writer's fantasies. Reading them was like eating chocolate -- at least for me, they taste good, they're addictive, but after awhile you kind of get sick of them.
I once had my teenager-get-out-of-the-house-and-get-a-life stage, which most people call growing up books. I think that's unfair because I believe that people grow up no matter what their ages are. My favorite books of that genre were anything by Madeline L'Engle or Roald Dahl. Especially Roald Dahl. Come to think of it, I still do love Roald Dahl. He's one of those writers that survived the stages, probably always will, because he's a damned good writer, and that's a good thing. We need more of them in this world. Good writers I mean.
I got into a VC Andrews stage with a little prodding, and it's so easy to get hooked to these grand stories of incredible humanity in five stages. And you read her books, and you find that you sympathize with the characters, for you felt that way at one point of your life, sometime. . . and then you realize that it's all just connected. I give VCA a stage on to herself, because she doesn't really have a genre where you could just stick her in. I also call her a stage because after awhile, I was able to move on. People are like that, I guess.
Before that, I had a classic stage. I'd read anything that had to do with the Folklore and Mythology of any country (that I could find, anyway -- the Philippines doesn't have a great library system, so I thank God for the Internet). Magic has always fascinated me, even though I have no talent for it, and I don't even know if I believe in it, but it sure is nice to imagine. Everything's just one big story, Life is, at least. We make our own mythology just by living, and by reading the stories that they believed makes me feel that, well... humanity is more than snotty monkeys who just got lucky in the evolutionary chain.
So we're at the now of it all. The now, it's scary, really. I'm into Gothic-Thriller-Suspense type of books, but right now I'm obsessed by anything by Neil Gaiman. He is one of the best writers of this era, considering the fact that most people write for the money now and not for the sake of telling the story. Other than that, I'm kind of floating between authors and just picking off whoever seems nice in the genre section of the bookstore, I read them to set my own boundaries, and so that I could see the darkness that I could be, but shouldn't. And besides, they do give you an adrenalin rush.
I appreciate good humor too, by the way -- though I don't really have the capacity to make a great joke, but once in awhile I could manage a few lame ones. I think I'm a user, not really a creator, a maker, but I try. That's important, isn't it?
that's it?
Yes, that's about it.
I'm currently in between schools at the moment (I kind of think of it as being in between lives) -- just bumming around the house, computer and the surrounds. I have a fish named Goldie, a plantbox, a ton of books, a computer and a radio. I love fun, and I could have as much fun reading a damn good book as I could have walking under the starry sky (okay, I'm a poet.) On weekends, I love begging rides off in the country with my brother, or going to the beach with the whole family and then zooming away on the family jet-ski.
If you would like to send me personal email, please do so. However, you could reach my via ICQ if you like (it seems like almost everyone in the world has it!) or if you want to talk to me real-time, I guess you could find me on the Undernet IRC network, as seychelle or on the soon-to-be-defunct Anothernet IRC network as wade.
Okay, enough ranting about me.
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